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Sofa Cleaning Tips That You Can Use To Get The Job Done

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How you clean a sofa naturally depends on what materials it is made of first of all. There are, however, certain universal steps that can be used to clean every couch before diving into individual cleaning remedies. For example, vacuuming any type of couch is important. When you vacuum a couch, you can use a handheld vacuum or an upright with a hose attachment. Or you could do like my mom and put the entire upright vacuum on the couch. In all seriousness, let’s talk about more tips regarding sofa cleaning so that you can keep your couches in good shape.

Some couches have exposed wood, metal frames and other parts that aren’t upholstered that need to be cleaned separately. This includes the feet of the sofa. To do this, all you need is a mixture of soap and water. Keep it simple as you keep these areas of your couches clean. After you have vacuumed and cleaned outskirts of the couch, it is time to get to cleaning the upholstered parts. Now it’s time to take a look at what materials you are dealing with, and then you can decide on what cleaning solution is best.

Did you know your couch should have a tag with cleaning instructions? Not everyone pays attention to that fact, but the tag will tell you how the sofa needs to be cleaned. You can also look at certain remedies for cleaning specific materials. For example, you can clean a leather couch with a mixture of white vinegar and distilled water. Yet for purposes of this piece, we are going to take a closer look at the tags on couches.

If the tag has ‘WS’ on it, then that means you are going to be able to use a detergent in conjunction with a steam vacuum to do the cleaning. If the sofa tag has a ‘W’ then you can simply use water to do the cleaning. There are other specifications to learn about when it comes to tags and cleaning couches, too. For instance, an ‘X’ means that you can’t use water or a cleaning solution, only a vacuum. plus, an ‘S’ means that you use a dry cleaning detergent.

Those are the specifics about couch tags, but there is still more to the story. You also can learn about removing stains and you will want to learn different methods for cleaning various types of fabric upholstery. Another solution for cleaning leather upholstery, too, is olive oil and vinegar, two parts to one part. There is also synthetic upholstery, which you can use water, vinegar and dish soap to clean.

That’s most of what you need to know in terms of couch or sofa cleaning. It is also important to mention that you need to know to get couches dry fast enough. In most cases, you are going to want to just let the couch dry itself, but it needs to dry in a timely manner. Now it’s time to get to cleaning that couch.

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